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So what do your or your dc use and like?


Dd is working on a project, and is brand new to this, so user friendly is mandatory!


I downloaded a trial version of Adobe Elements, but it won't run - locks up the computer, then crashes. Is it worth spending the time troubleshooting, or can you recommend something better?



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Not sure exactly what you want to do, but my daughter made a documentary incorporating still photos and video clips using imovie on her mac and she learned how to do it really quickly. It came together really nicely.


I think Windows Movie Maker is similar for a pc.

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That's similar to what dd is doing - is your dd doing NHD?


We've heard good things about imovie - but unfortunately we're pc's!


I'll have her check out movie maker.


She had the bright idea to do a documentary this year, but she's really pressing the deadline to actually get it up and running! (In need of a tearing my hair out smiley!)

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Yep! It was for NHD. She learned so much from the project. I was thrilled with all of the different things she picked up from not only the research itself but from the process. It has been an incredibly rich and rewarding experience for her. She's done well with her project so far!


I've heard really good things about Windows Movie Maker if that's what you end up using.


Good luck to your dd!


(And p.s. We (dd and I) can totally relate to the pulling your hair out! Trying to finish her project reminded *me* of late night college cram sessions. Actually, I think that experience of being up to the wee hours tweaking her project was great preparation for the demands of college. I must admit, it was kind of fun to watch!)

Edited by KJB
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Fantastic! Is this her 1st year? This is dd's third - but she's done displays for the other years.


I'm likewise impressed by the entire program, and the level of scholarship they encourage.


Yes, it's her first year. She's competing in the junior division. The documentary is definitely ambitious but I think it's very rewarding.


It's interesting to me since making the documentary requires writing an essay/narrative(like the essay option), visually presenting information (like the display), becoming adept with the software necessary to make the project (like making a website), and it requires a performance by the student since they read the narrative (like the performance category).


It really is all of the other categories combined into one.


I am really impressed by NHD and plan on encouraging my daughter to participate through high school.


Your competition must be held later than ours. The first level for us was in January, last month was the district level, and April will be regionals. My daughter would love to get to go to Washington, but I'm just thrilled she's made it this far.

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What's NHD?


As for Movie Maker, it's really dependent on which Windows you're using.

The one is Vista is pretty good. Before that, they've always given me trouble.


NHD is National History Day.


And thanks for the tip - we're running XP.

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Final Cut Express is a good beginning video editing software, but I'm not sure it works on a PC. My ds started out using Premiere, then got a Mac and used Final Cut Express until he saved enough money to buy Final Cut and its associated software.


Before my ds switched to using a Mac, he used the Adobe Premiere software and had no problems with it. It does require a lot of RAM and hard drive space, so if it is not running right, check to see if you have enough of both. The minimum amount listed really is a bare minimum. You need more.

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