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Please bear with me - trying to get ready to sell curriculum - Paypal question


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I've never sold anything or accepted money through Paypal before. Reading the Paypal info on the website is only confusing me more.


I have had a Paypal account set up for years, and have used it less than a handful of times. I have only used it to pay others. I don't remember well how the process worked, but I think that I was given an e-mail address to send the money to.


My question is this: If I give someone my e-mail address, is that the only info they will need to get money into my Paypal account? Do they use the option that Paypal has listed that says, "Send money to anyone with an e-mail address?"


Please don't be frightened that I home-educate my kids. That is sooo much easier than figuring out how Paypal works! :001_smile:


When giving me advice regarding this, please talk to me like I don't have a clue. Thanks for any help that you can provide. It is greatly appreciated! :001_smile:



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If you have the buyer send the money as a "Personal" transaction, you will not have to pay fees. Well, unless you are selling on eBay, of course! If you want to make shipping labels online, you will have to use Multi Order shipping, but it is VERY easy to utilize.


I was an eBay Powerseller before they became to difficult to deal with, so I can answer pretty much any question you may have about PayPal.


Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any more questions (and don't feel clueless--you are simply learning how to use a often confusing website).




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When giving me advice regarding this, please talk to me like I don't have a clue.


No advice, just :lol:! I *love* the way you said that!


Oh that is so *me* when it comes to Paypal/any internet stuff, too! I hope you get your q's answered ('cause I'll be hoping to watch and learn along with you).

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If you have the buyer send the money as a "Personal" transaction, you will not have to pay fees.



Just know that when you do this you lose seller protection and the buyer loses their protection as well. I don't like to use this option except with people I know or have purchased from before.

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