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Butte, Montana peeps.

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Thanks for all your help yesterday. We had to make a quick decision and settled on Butte, Mt.


So, for those of you currently there, please tell me all about it. How is the homeschool community? Are there any neat programs for kids in the area? Is there a community/youth center?


As for buying a house, we would like to be a little out in the country with some land if at all possible. Are there areas we should avoid? Areas to consider? We will have a couple horses we are taking with us. I wish I could take my whole farm. : (


What do you like most/least about the area?


Anything you wish you would have known before moving there?


We are small town type of people, so I think we will fit in well.


I appreciate any feedback you may have.



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As for buying a house, we would like to be a little out in the country with some land if at all possible. Are there areas we should avoid? Areas to consider? We will have a couple horses we are taking with us. I wish I could take my whole farm. : (


What do you like most/least about the area?


Anything you wish you would have known before moving there?


We are small town type of people, so I think we will fit in well.



I grew up in Montana. Most people new to the area are surprised how long and cold winters can be, although this can vary dramatically throughout the state. If you are outdoorsy, you'll probably like the area very much.


Butte is an old mining town with a strong Irish heritage. You'll probably notice that around St. Patty's Day. ;) I found the people to be down to earth and friendly. Some might give you the squinty-eyed look because you homeschool, but I doubt you'll have too much trouble.


Montana Tech University is located in Butte.


I don't know much about real estate around Butte. I wonder, though, if you'd want to inquire about old mines in the area? Maybe someone here would know more.


If you're out there this summer, try to go to the Sweetpea Festival in Bozeman. It's close to Butte (considering how big Montana is), kid-friendly and a lot of fun.


Good luck with your move!

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Whew. I saw your post updating about Wausau - I'm glad you chose Montana. :)


Nothing against Wausau or anything, but I'd rather not move there myself - it really is in the center of the state, far enough away from, well, lots of stuff. It is still pretty there, though.

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