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PSAT questions

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1. In what month do students take the PSAT?


2. Are calculators used on the test? If so, which type of calculator is okay?


Main reason for this is I want my daughter to get used to using the same calculator that will be used on the test. She has a pretty basic TI graphing calculator and I'm hoping that will be fine. Use of this in math has been pretty much limited to saving time on long multiplication and division problems.

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Just about any calculator that doesn't have a qwerty keyboard should be ok. You are smart to get your dd familiar with it now.


As an aside, my dd was glad she began studying for the PSAT in the summer between her sophomore & junior years. It really helped to get that head start before her regular school work began.



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Just As an aside, my dd was glad she began studying for the PSAT in the summer between her sophomore & junior years. It really helped to get that head start before her regular school work began.



Just a question about you aside :001_smile: -- What did she use to study for the PSAT?
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She used the official materials she was given when she registered for the PSAT, plus McGraw-Hill's PSAT/NMSQT book. The 2nd edition of this book will be available in June. I doubt that it will be terribly different.


Dd started studying around the first of August. We lightened her school load until the PSAT was over in mid-October. She made up for it later in the year:).


Don't forget - for those of you who are homeschoolers, the College Board recommends contacting potential high schools in June for the October test. Ask to talk to someone in the guidance office. Most will probably tell you to call back in the fall, but that's what the CB says. It doesn't hurt, and it will give you time to find other schools if the first one you call gives you a bad impression.


If possible, visit the school and ask to see where the testing is done. I have heard stories of students who tested in bad environments (construction, in the gym on the bleachers, etc.).


And finally, keep in mind that the PSAT is offered on Wednesday or Saturday, depending on the school. Think about which day is better for your student, and go for a school that tests then.


Best wishes studying,


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