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Math Woes!

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What can I use to replace Chalkdust Algebra? This is the second year in a row we have tried and frankly 2/3 through he is no closer to understanding it than when we started. He hates to watch the video. He is fairly decent at math but for whatever reason this is not sticking. When we sit down and he does the problems he seems to see the pattern and work through them. Test time comes and he doesn't get it and he fails. When I prompt him he seems to get it but frankly I can't be there to prompt him all the time. What direction should we try?

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after using MUS for years. Ds participated in MathCounts in the fall. Thought CD would be the math for him. Wrong-o! The lectures were too long and way too many problems in a set.


Life of Fred Beginning Algebra had been on the shelf. Told ds to work on this until I can find something else. He has commented several times how much he is enjoying algebra!



Teresa in NC

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