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Song School Latin AND Greek...or any Latin AND Greek


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My 5 year old is doing Song School Latin. Honestly, I never intended to do Greek at all. She is now asking me to learn Greek and French. She says she loves languages. I hate to miss the window of interest here, but does anyone do SS Latin AND Greek at the same time? I realize that Greek Alphabet Code Cracker comes first, but honestly between Latin, Spelling, HWT, and RS math...adding Greek as well seems like a lot of seat work for a little person. Do people do both, or do they sort of stagger it in when kids are a little older? I can manage the French, as she can take a class, and I feel fine with watching little French movies and listening to French songs...but there isn't exactly an abundance in the Greek department.

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I plan on dd learning Latin and Greek simultaneously. However, the more traditional method would be to allow a child two years of serious study in one language prior to introducing another. For this reason, many people chose to focus on Latin first and add Greek in during later elementary or in middle school.


We used Song School Latin last year. This year we are using Prima Latina with Minimus. Dd is also working through the first level of Hey, Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek which is a very gentle introduction to the alphabet. Next year dd will be studying Latin online through Lone Pine Classical, and I will be teaching her Greek with Elementary Greek 1.

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My guys are finishing up SSL and will be picking up Minimus soon. My oldest is also a lover of languages, and he wants Greek as well. I am just teaching him the alphabet (singing it and some written practice) and throwing him some scraps of vocab now and then. This seems to be keeping him happy for now; possibly next year I will intro more "formal" study for him (Elementary Greek?...still thinking through things).


I think that Greek Cracker Code does not have to come before SSG; maybe a "taste" of one or the other would keep your little one's interest without overwhelming either of you.


I used my son's name for the Greek Alphabet Program--my four year old really thinks it is about Greek Crackers (munch, munch...)

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