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What spelling for this child??


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He's in 1st grade this year, and we're almost done with AAS1. It has gone okay, and I'm really pleased with his progress, but I wonder if he needs a program this elaborate & spendy. He doesn't even use the tiles to spell -though he dearly loves writing on the whiteboard. :) The younger sibs will use AAS1 next year, and I need to decide what to do for the rest of this year and for 2nd grade.


He's a strong reader, reads at the 5th grade level, and I don't know how to tell if he is a "natural" speller or not. I've posted about spelling before, and I still can't figure out what would be best.


I've thought about...


- switching to Rod and Staf Spelling (looks pretty independent, phonics based)


- continuing on with AAS (dreading the teacher time...but maybe it won't be as bad as I picture. If I do everybody's spelling back to back we'd only have to haul out the white board once...)


- returning to ETC & considering that spelling


- Spelling Workout or Evan Moore's daily spelling


What would you pick for this kiddo???

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This is very subjective, so you'll get a range of opinions. If you think he's covered phonics enough, I would personally choose R&S spelling or SWO. <snip>


Agreed. :) R&S makes the kids work with the spelling/phonics rules more than SWO. SWO has more puzzle and workbooky activities. I have one kid who loves that about SWO, and another who'd rather poke his eyes with a spork than do puzzles with his spelling words. *I* prefer R&S of those two.

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You could always try a workbook approach for him for the rest of the year and see how it goes. If he makes good progress, he may not need the one on one of AAS. You can always go back to AAS if he needs more time with you or more direct instruction. It might not end up any cheaper though--a workbook times 3 children is probably about the same cost as a level of AAS.


Merry :-)

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