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How exactly are you using Living Memory?

Karen in CO

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We bought our copy in the fall, so we haven't had it very long. The Dickinson poems that the little man memorized were selected from Living Memory. We are now studying Christina Rossetti. Although Living Memory contains poems, I want to study poets, so I honestly find it easier to print off poems by poet from Ambleside Online.


We have been letting the Earth Sciences section help lead us in our science studies.


While we are using a geography puzzle book this year, I do like having the lists in Living Memory.


I really enjoyed the introduction section and have high hopes that next year we will use a memory binder as descrbed there. Next year the little man will be using CHOW, so I plan to use the World History section. We will also continue using the Natural Sciences section for memory work cues.


I am currently looking through the Grammar and Composition section alongside Writer's Inc, because I have decided that I don't grammar books and think that I can do just as good a job winging it.





I forgot the little guy also used the math section for some copywork one week. This was his choice.

Edited by Mandy in TN
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  • 3 weeks later...

We've been using it pretty much as described in the introduction. DS and DD7 each made a memory binder with the tabs for weekly and monthly review. Then, I went through the book and chose selections that loosely corresponded with our topics in history, literature and science. I also had them page through and choose a few things that interested them, as well. I listed all the selections on a large post-it on the inside back cover. They each copied out their first selection and put it under the "today" section, and we went from there.


We do it daily, first thing. It only takes a few minutes. They review the selection under the "today" tab by reading it at a whisper three or four times. Then they stand up and recite it. If it's perfect, it gets moved into the weekly review section. Then we quickly recite whatever is under that day's tab in the weekly section. If that's perfect, it goes into the monthly portion, and then finally we recite anything that's under that day's tab in the monthly section. Our monthly section isn't full yet, since this is our first year doing this, but it's getting there.


I love this program. It makes memory work systematic and yet effortless, and I can add anything in there that needs to be memorized, especially lists from history and science. It's been great so far this year.


HTH. :001_smile:

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