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Hive Please give me some advice on my problem

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I am in college taking online classes to finish up my degree. I am set to graduate this spring. I only need two classes to graduate but I am taking four because I got an academic achievement scholarship and had to go full time. I am a good student and a hard worker. I have one teacher I will call her Jane who won't respond to me when I asked for more help or explain. She says if you don't understand maybe you should drop the class. I just need an explanation of why you do something for example in the math problem.

This is my current problem. I was unable to access the schools website computer server problems with passwords. I contact web support on Monday at the school via phone and emailed them. They didn't get the problem fixed till Tuesday. I contacted the teacher Monday about the problem and asked her to let me know her email adddress so I could email her my work directly. I didn't get a response till Tuesday after the assignment was due for her email address. I submit my assignment Tuesday and she took off ten point changing my grade from a 94 to 84 which affects my final letter grade this counts 20% of my grade. This won't affect my scholarship for academic achievement since it is my last semester. I just thought teachers are suppose to be understanding and build someone up not tear them down. I am at a loss. I feel like if I report this to the dean which I was advised to do by someone else who works at the college that she will take it out on me. Please tell me what I should do. Thanks Susan :confused:

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Chalk it up to experience and move on. There are some very unhappy people out there in the world and often they try to find solace in making everyone around them miserable so they will have more company. Since this does not affect your grant and it isn't like she gave you an F, just let it roll off your back for now and move on.


After you are completely out of the program, where she cannot cause you any possible trouble, if it still bothers you, THEN contact the dean of academic affairs and explain the problem. Be sure to let him or her know that you are not seeking a grade change but would like to prevent a similar situation from happening to another student.


Also, count it a lesson learned for the work world, if you plan to utilize your degree in a job away from home. Often times, deadlines and people are unfeelingly inflexible. They just don't care if it was their system that caused you to be late or a major snow storm that had all power out, or whatever. You will be docked regardless. And that is just the way of it. IMO, that is a reason for making all the rest of your work so exemplary that anyone who sees this one abberation will wonder what went wrong, and automatically assume you would not do work of that calliber.

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