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Hmm... new food allergy.

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DS (9) just ate strawberry shortcake and has definite visible hives on his lips and around his mouth, itchy tongue and is clearing his throat.


Food allergies run rampant in our family, so we started with the standard Benedryl, and have an Epi-pen of his sister's on hand in case we need it.


The question is... do I need to take him in so they can document this allergy? When I called the Ped's office before about my other DS's egg allergy they almost refused to provide documentation necessary for the school's records since they couldn't find that they had seen the "incidences" for themselves. (They had, actually. More than once, but couldn't find the paperwork.) Also, DS may prove to need an Epi-pen of his own if it can't be stopped with Benedryl here soon. *sigh*

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My mom was allergic to strawberries as a child. She outgrew it, and as an adult, you would never guess it. She couldn't get enough of them! I don't hear about it very much these days. It's sort of overshadowed by peanuts.

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I suspected an allergy to strawberries to my ds when he was younger. I asked his allergist to test him for strawberries when he was testing for everything else and was told that he didn't have a test for it. This may apply only to that particular office though. We have simply avoided strawberries just in case.


If I were you, I would just call the allergist and ask if there is such a test and whether or not your child needs to have it done for documentation. It is my understanding that strawberries are highly allergenic. I would definitely avoid them no matter what based on the reaction you described.



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