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R&S Reading/Phonics vs CLE Reading

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My ds is in 1st grade and we are currently using a mix of things for phonics and reading. He does CLE LA 1 (which is all basically phonics), CLE Reading 1, ETC book 4, and Phonics Pathways.


For next year, I was considering simplifing and just using all R&S for English/Reading. That would mean going to R&S Reading/Phonics and also using R&S English 2 (which I had planned to do anyway).


The other option is using R&S English with CLE Reading and finishing up ETC until we finish the books.


I guess I am wanting to hear from someone who has used both CLE and R&S and can compare the two with regards to early phonics. It looks to me like CLE continues phonics in their LA program, somewhat, in grade 2.


Any advice/experience/etc is greatly appreciated.

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The CLE reading 2 is very phonics heavy. The stories are sweet, short character lessons. I have not seen CLE LA 2, as we use level 3, but I'm thinking you are right that it is phonics heavy too. I started at Reading 2 because I didn't want dd to miss the readers. We also use the Rod and Staff Reading (2), but only for our Bible time. She reads the story and then I ask her the questions from the "after you read" part of the workbook. R&S's reading program is great, and I love that it is based on the Bible stories. There is A LOT of work for each lesson. We used these some last year, and dd was doing all the work in the wkbk. It would sometimes take over 40 minutes, and she was beginning to dread using it. That is one reason that this year I decided to do the questions orally, and only the ones pertaining to the story, not the vocabulary. I have not seen the R&S phonics, though.

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Thank you for your input. We are using CLE Reading now and I like the stories..don't think too much of the workbook for 1st grade. I ordered Units 4 and 5 from R&S - phonics/reading. I will know more if it will jive with us when I have it in my hands. I just know that compared to R&S, CLE English is not nearly as good a fit for us. I would love to start my youngest son on something where he can continue on through the years and thus build a very solid foundation. :)


Jinnah - Math 4??? Sounds like your dc is very ahead in Math! wow!!

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Dot has almost finished CLE 100 LA, we'll be ordering the first half of the 200 level in the new few weeks. I've been very pleased with the phonics instruction. Dot taught herself how to read at three, and when I bought OPG at the WTM conference last year, she threw a fit "I already KNOW how to read, Mommy!!"


She accepts the phonics in CLE because she doesn't see them as teaching her how to read (again, because "I already know how to read!") but because she perceives it as learning to SPELL.


We also using CLE LA 500 & 600 for her brothers. We looked at R & S and it's not as rigorous at the higher levels, so passed on it.

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