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Math Curr. that gets you to 8th grade Algebra?


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I am thinking about math for 2nd grade. My DD7 is fine in math, doesn't love it, but understands it (she might even be a little bored in the curriculum we're using).


I would like to try to set her up to be able to do Algebra in 8th grade so she can do Calculus in 12th if she wants to.


I've read about California math standards meeting that goal. I don't think I want to use Singapore for a variety of reasons that I won't bore you with (and obviously the Standards edition meets this goal). Without accelerating, what other math curricula would get DD to Algebra by 8th? I'm wondering if Horizons does, since I keep reading that it is accelerated, but I realize it only goes through 6th. What do people use after that as a good fit?


I'm currently using BJU math 1, which is so/so for her. I'm considering switching anyhow, maybe to spiral versus mastery. But definitely not to Saxon - I own it and don't like it (for me to teach at least).



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