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Just replace my 10yo Toyota Sienna minivan...

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When I got out the title for the trade-in, I was amazed to see that we actually paid $2800 less than we did 10 years ago! It's a similar model, with nicer features.


So...is it because of the recession? Cheaper construction? And would that be body/features or engine? Is it the Toyota recall situation? The new body style/2011's come out next month (Feb.), so maybe they just want to get rid of the old ones?


We were overjoyed with the deal we found after soliciting quotes, but I have to say it worries me just a bit, because we're intending to keep this one another 10 years (and 200K+ miles!), so I'm hoping they haven't been cheapened up to keep cost down. :(


Any thoughts or experience on this?

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From what I read in the Lemon-Aide Used Car Guide (We were researching cars last month for our own purchase) Toyota's quality has gone down some in the last five years (My fav. company, Hyundai, stole a lot of your company's quality control engineers several years back :D). Still, they were very good to begin with so I wouldn't worry about your van lasting 10 years. Even a lot of domestics will last a good decade now. Keeping on top of regular maintenance is at least as important as the maker in getting the most out of a car.


I think the price drop is likely more related to competition (Kia and Hyundai are giving Toyota a run for their money as they're of similar quality but less expensive) and the economic environment.

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Can I ask what kind of deal you were able to get?


With Toyota's rebate offer right now, we ended up at 18% off MSRP. Even a little better than we had hoped because it had been a "demonstrator", so it already had 1600 miles on it (and we used that to talk them down another $1000). Edmunds.com was good for research into invoice price (including options) and this spreadsheet was great for figuring out the dealer's actual cost. According to those sources, I got it for 1.1% over dealer cost. (?!)


We knew what model we wanted, with what features, so I e-mailed that info to 8 dealerships in our area, and asked them for their best prices. Of the 8, 2 didn't respond at all, 1 responded and didn't want to play that game, 1 wouldn't budge off of MSRP, and the other 5 gave me prices. Of those, 3 said "call me back; we can beat any offer by $100" - but I tried to make it clear up front that I wasn't coming back around.


For the first time ever, I felt like I got a good deal on a car. I'm just hoping, like I said, that it's as reliable as the last Toyota I had! Dawn's info put my mind at ease a bit. We shall see.

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