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Team in Training?

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Has anyone here participated?


If so, will you share your experience? How difficult was it to raise the funds? Also, is 12 weeks cutting it too close to raise $2,000?


What is your experience?


I would really like to participate. I know I can run the marathon, that is no problem but raising the funds is intimidating to me. Especially the re-commitment aspect.




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My mom and I did it last year. We were terrified about the money! Together we needed to raise $4800. We honestly thought we would be lucky to raise $500. Neither one of us worked outside the home and we knew the same people. How the heck would we ever make the goal. We set it up so that all the donations went into my account first. We figured that we'd have a better chance for one of us to go than if they were split.


I sent my letter by email to everyone on my contact list. I use Gmail so anyone who has ever sent me an email was on my list, over 800 addresses total.


The first week went by... nothing. Then we got a $100 donation. A few days later we got another $100. Then a bunch of $10s $25s and a few $50s. I was absolutely shocked at who gave. There were people I didn't even know, a grandfather of one of my son's friends, a neighbor of someone I met once at church, etc.. Slowly but surely we got over $1500 without doing anything other than that one email! Actually I did also send letters to everyone I knew who didn't have emails too.


We did three group fundraising events: a haircut-a-thon, baseball tickets, and Poker night. My mom and I made over $1100 on poker night alone.


As soon as someone on our team made thier goal they would split their excess among the rest of us. that was a huge help too. The TnT trainers and mentors were awesome!


I really can't say enough positive things about the whole experience! I might still have my link in my signature try and click on it. We ended up exceeding our goal.


Good luck!

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I sent out my emails on Valentines Day. We met our goal the 1st week of May.


We had over 75% by recommitment. If we didn't have at least 50% we were not going to continue.


I found that the further along we got the more willing the TnT staffers were to help. I do recommend attending all the training sessions and really getting to know the trainers and mentors. We had a couple people who never participated but then wanted their portion of our team fundraising efforts.

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