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Does anyone use Rod & Staff with Classical Writing?


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I know Beth in Central TX does. I tried to find a general post by her on it, but the girl posts so much! ;) She did mention doing it orally and then doing the tests I believe. And using some of the writing components that CW doesn't have, like the friendly letter. Chase her down with a PM if she doesn't pop in here. :D



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Great memory Jami! Yes, I've used R&S grammar with CW since R&S 3 and Aesop B. We are now doing R&S 5/6 and Homer A. I do all of R&S orally unless the lesson has an associated worksheet. I do the writing lessons too, but sometimes we just discuss the lesson. If I think the writing concept won't be covered in CW (like the friendly letter), I will have them write one of those out. I will also allow them to do a writing lesson orally which helps us work on public speaking too. I do use the R&S grammar tests since we do so much of the work orally. Occassionally, I will have them write out the diagramming work if we haven't had a worksheet on it within the past week or so, but I also let them diagram on the whiteboard.


I believe that R&S has really helped my boys with the work they do in CW. So far, we have not hit a concept in CW that hasn't already been covered in R&S. The great part about CW (and the reason I think these 2 programs work so well together) is that the boys actually see the grammar in action in CW. They learned what a noun is in R&S, but now in CW they have to find those nouns in a model. Then they have to replace those nouns with synonyms. Next they determine the case of the noun and this week, they changed the case of that noun and completely shuffled the sentence around.


I could go on, but you I think you understand. Feel free to ask for any clarification. It's late, and I'm procrastinating again when I should be getting ready for tomorrow's yard sale.

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Thanks, Beth, for your reply. I'm planning to use WT 1 and WT 2 then move to CW. I keep reading responses that say that R & S grammar is too much for these programs. But, I feel R & S is the best grammar and really want to combine them. It was great to read that you are doing it and how it works for you. I'm feeling better about it now. I only wish that I didn't pick EVERY subject as the most teacher intensive one out there! :)


Good luck on the yard sale! We have 4 inches of new snow here this morning!

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It was a beautiful day here; the high was 76 degrees, mostly sunny with a light breeze. The yard sale was a success too.


I understand what you mean about too many teacher intensive programs. However, when we (DH & I) decided to go with CW, we knew that it would be a significant change in how I approach our homeschool days. My job as my boys' teacher became my priority, and I now spend most of our school time in the school room with my boys (or on the couch or at the kitchen table or at the library or wherever we happen to be doing school). I still do laundry during the day, and occasionally I make bread, but I decided a long time ago that an ultra clean house was not a goal at this stage in my life.


The boys have chores each morning before school, so the house stays relatively clean & somewhat picked up which is fine with me, but even on those days when the bathroom really needs to be cleaned, I still don't do it during our school time. DH & I take care of what needs to be done around the house at night or on the weekends. Now that my boys are older, they help out a lot too.

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