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Just starting out .. please tell me I can do this!


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We've been afterschooling for years, I've been researching and using various curriculum (SOTW, Singapore, Alex, etc) for years, but this is the start of real homeschooling as all three big kids will no longer be in school as of mid-Feb! And from being confident that I could do this I'm starting to wonder. I'm posting here rather than on the general board as the principal reason we will homeschool is the dcs' being accelerated.

So please tell me I can do this! I have done the research, I have a few advanced degrees, I have made contact with homeschoolers in the area where we will live ... IOW done what I'm supposed to do. But then dh emails me that my MIL's sister has volunteered to tutor my ds. Apparently she thinks that as a former public school teacher in the gifted program she is better qualified than I, despite being 9 time zones away. Anyway, that was enough to throw me for a loop and ruin my afternoon.

Any words of experience for someone just starting out? TIA.



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My only words of advice are to not feel like you have to rush into every subject at once. Let the kids decompress from the school setting. Take your time getting started and figure out what works for you and them. It doesn't have to be "school at home." Homeschooling can be so much more than that.


You can do this. :grouphug:

Edited by Donna
subject/verb agreement...LOL
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and had no problems. I started homeschooling with two 4th graders and a 6th grader when we moved across country. I know some feel strongly about deschooling or moving slowly but for us it wasn't necessary (no offense intended to anyone!). Just depends on your kids - if you're pulling them because they are stressed out, tired or overworked - maybe deschooling or starting slowly would be important. But if your kids are well adjusted and like school even if they were bored or not challenged, there's no reason not to go for it full speed. Just wanted to let you know that there are many ways to do this.


Also, I found that homeschooling is much more efficient that regular schooling. I love it - so much more time in the day to do sports or read or just pursue their own interests.


Not sure why you need a tutor - I don't think you'll feel that way once you get started even if your kids are doing advanced math or science. There are so many great homeschooling resources and support groups, I'm not sure you'll need that extra scheduled visit from the tutor. Doing things on your own time is so much better! I jealously guard our family time and don't like any extra or unnecessary infringements.


Good luck and enjoy!

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It's just that teacher mentality -- they think they were trained to do this and therefore no one else could possibly compare. It must be very threatening for teachers to see that homeschooling parents are doing just as well (or better) at the job. :D


It will definitely be a challenge, but it sounds like you're up to it. Stay connected with other HS moms, especially of gifted kids, and feel free to ask questions and seek support. Of course you can do it. Who knows your kids better than you do?

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