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For those who do "centers"


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Forgive me if this has been discussed, I haven't been as up-to-date on all the posts recently...


For those who do centers, can you explain this a little further?


I saw someone posted recently about their math center and I think that is a great idea. We are doing Abeka for math, as it works well for us. He seems to be very math-minded, though, and I'd like to add more for him. I am planning to supplement Miquon or Singapore in the next few months but I would love to provide an additional math environment for him. If I wanted to do a math center, what do we do? Do we actually do our math there? Do we just play there? At a set time? (Can you tell I am a bit on the "control/order" side of things?) If it helps, I'd be looking to set up for a K-2nd or 3rd grade age.



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We don't do centers, but I'm intrigued by the idea! I look forward to hearing what others say about this.


We do, however, have children (K & 2nd) that *love* math. Some of the materials we have to support this interest include lots of manipulatives (poker chips, cuisinaire rods, rocks, beads, etc.), pattern blocks, cards (we play a lot of card games), dominos, dice (we play lots of dice games as well), geo boards, tangrams, puzzle books (mazes, soduko, word problems, etc.), measuring tools (rulers, tapes, cups, etc.)... We also use Miquon, Math Mammoth (2nd) and various printed worksheets and dollar store workbooks, which seem to cover the house.


I suppose we could pull all of this onto one shelf and call it a math center! Though really, I feel like my entire home is a math center.

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For math, I put out things like pattern blocks and C rods and geoboards and let them play independently...esp for my K, preK crowd. I give them 1cm graph paper, patterns for the pattern blocks, patterns to imitate for teh geoboards.....a balance and things to balance... All of my "math" for that stage is a "center" in the sense that it is very informal, of the child's free will to work or play, and readily available at their pleasure...most of the time.;) To keep order, rotate things (you don't HAVE to have every single manipulative out at all times....I don't recommend it LOL)...teach a system for putting things away when the kids are done...maybe give older dc a task to accomplish before free time at the center.


My ds6 LOVES when I put a challenging math puzzle on the board and let him work it in his own time. That has a "center" feel to it, even though it's just writing on the board. MEP is a great source for challenging things to put up on a board for a 6yo who isn't reading fluently. I plan on doing something similar with SM CWP as he gets older (and can read the problems w/o stressing about reading)....something like one CWP per day that he does on his own and shows me at the end of the day.


Miquon materials are fantastic for a "center" feel to your math.

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I suppose we could pull all of this onto one shelf and call it a math center! Though really, I feel like my entire home is a math center.


This is what we kind of have now...I wasn't sure if what people are calling a center is more detailed or if written math is done there or what...


My ds6 LOVES when I put a challenging math puzzle on the board and let him work it in his own time.


Ohh...I love this idea!


Miquon materials are fantastic for a "center" feel to your math.


Great! Thank you!

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