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lapbookiing for history?

michelle l

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Well, I think it's lapbooking anyway.


I looked at the Hands of a Child site, and they have a project for the Declaration of Independence. How do you all feel about these projects? We are just getting into this and the Am. Revolution in our Sonlight (which has not hands-on activities). Do you find these projects helpful? Do your kids enjoy them and learn from them, or does it just end up being busy work? Do I dare venture outside of my "curriculum"?;) Does it go with the grammar stage? I guess all mine are in the grammar stage (5, 8, 10), though I can see my 10 yr old ds maturing. My WTM book is in the mail. I can't wait to read it!:)

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Do your kids like hands-on projects? If they'd find it frustrating, I wouldn't worry about it. I think lapbooking and narrating are forms of written narration and can be very helpful for kids who enjoy creative hands-on projects. For kids who don't, they can just as easily write down their narration or outline information and leave it at that, or younger kids can give an oral narration. But kids who like to create enjoy the artsy aspects of lapbooks, and enjoy organizing information in a creative way. (At least mine do).


ETA: My kids who enjoy it are 9, 7, and 5.

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I love lapbooking, although I don't glue it into folders the way they are usually done. I have a history/science notebook where his narrations are and then I glue the mini books into the end of our unit. I use it more as a review and he enjoys it. My ds doesn't enjoy all the cutting so I do it for him while he does all the writing. He also enjoys looking at his past work. I haven't bought anything from hands of a child since I use homeschoolshare.com for free resources first so can't speak specifically about their lapbooks.

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Thank you! This might be a fun thing to break up all of our reading. I can see it's not the kind of thing we'd want to do all the time, but I think it would be fun to try at least one and see what we think.


This forum is a blessing and a curse. I am so excited about all the things I'm finding out about, but my head is whirling because we just can't do everything!:willy_nilly:

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