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Timed tests?

TN Mama

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If you're on the CLE yahoo group, I think I already answered you today :) but if that was someone else---


I expect my boys to work on their quizzes and tests in all subjects diligently. But I don't set a time limit. I have seen them diddling around and gotten frustrated and set timers before, but for the most part, if they are working on it, they can have all the time that they need.



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It was me. :) Thanks for answering. Thought I'd ask both places because rarely do I hear the same answers between the two groups.


My 3rd grader is dawdling. She can do the work, no problem, but it irks me to see her gazing off into space instead of working on her test. I don't even know how long she took today, but she did finish and she did score 100%. I wouldn't even know how long to set a timer if I went that route. So... thought I'd see what other opinions were.

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Well, on that note, I'd say 15 minutes is long enough for a CLE math quiz, maybe 20 for a test. If she wasn't done by then, I'd set a timer for 5 more minutes.


My 5 1/2 year old dawdles, and sometimes I set the timer for 10 minutes, go away and do something else and come back. Because if I sit there and watch him, I feel like I'm going to have to pull my eyeballs out. He's better, but I will have to say we've been working on this same issue since we started school in August--it's jsut hard to keep him going.



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