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Pajama school - the book

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Has anyone read it?

I am about to buy it for myself for Christmas. It is a book about HS'ing from the student's perspective. Reviews are good on Amazon so far.




Editorial review:

Natalie writes convincingly and cheerfully of the other side of homeschooling - that of the student. I enjoyed the honest, inside look at a homeschooling family navigating through the turbulent waters of modern day life. But beyond the humor is Natalie's heart for living for the Lord as an adult. This book will be an inspirational resource for all those others who, like Natalie, have finished homeschooling and are seeking God's will. This is a welcome addition to all the books on homeschooling! --Jan Bloom, Veteran Homeschool Mom of 3 and Author of Who Should We Then Read?


Pajama School is a unique book in the sense that very few books chronicle a school experience beginning as early as the fourth grade. But this book is much more than the story of a school girl progressing through school with all the trials, fun, and games. This book is about a family, and how God blessed this family because of their simple faith that what He says He will do. It will be a tremendous encouragement for any family who wants to obey God, but will especially bless the homeschool mom or child that needs a little encouragement to get through the day, the week, or even the school year. Natalie tells the story with brutal honesty and a refreshing prose. Without appearing to make an effort to lay down principles for living, with story after story, it's like reading one of the parables, but much easier to see the principle that is being taught. This book is for anyone that doesn't mind laughing, crying, and every other emotion all in one page. The bottom line is that after you finish reading, you will say: "Natalie, when are you going to write your next book? I can't wait." --Mike Smith, President, HSLDA


Pajama School is one of those rare books which allows readers full and generous access to the thoughts and judgments of a girl becoming a woman. It s also a comprehensive record of Cornerstone School, where Natalie, Nicole, Nadine, Noelle, Naomi, and Joey Wickham learned their ABCs and much else under the direction of their parents (and one another). Homeschooling takes many forms these days in America, but while the author is an eloquent advocate of her own experience, everyone who sets his or her own particular preference aside long enough to read Pajama School with an open mind will take real value from Miss Wickham's observations. You ll like this book, I feel certain. --John Taylor Gatto, Author, Dumbing Us Down and Weapons of Mass Instruction

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