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Reading difficulty, help please

Evergreen Academy

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Good morning;

I posted this on the special needs board but didn't get any bites, I am hoping someone here might have some insight for me.

My ds 9 is extremely intelligent, and remembers everything I've ever read to him or that he's ever heard - anywhere. He does very well in math. However, I started to notice last year that while he'd learned to read on schedule, he wasn't improving as much as I'd expect for a 2nd grader - and what's more, he had no memory of anything he'd read even a few moments before. I also noticed that he sometimes leaves out little words like "the" and "and," and/or substitutes other small words. He makes guesses for some big words and when reading aloud, plods on through even if his ommissions and substitutions make no sense.


He is a perfectionist and has really resisted my suggestions to put his finger under the line he's reading, to keep his place; I've been trying to determine if this is a tracking problem. In reading a website of dyslexia symptoms, I noticed some of his speech patterns that we attributed to him learning English as a second language; he takes a long time to find the word he wants sometimes, gets frustrated when he can't find it, loses his train of thought. I'm also seeing some of the ommissions/substitutions appear in his writing, and I am getting concerned as he's in 3rd grade and I feel like these things should be improving. I notice the contrast now between him and my other ds9, who read later, but now reads with fluency and ease as this brother stumbles along.


This child is so very bright, I don't want this issue to hold him back as he gets older. He has a physical disability and his academic ability is something he's always been proud of - of course we are proud of him, period.

Any ideas as I try to help with this reading issue?

Thanks and blessings,


mom to 6 great kids, ages 6-19, schooling grades 1, 3, 3 and 6

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I’m only a newbie (2nd yr. homeschooling) however I’ve gained invaluable advice here, & this is what is working for us.


Our DD (age 6) sounds soo much like your son, something wrong I just couldn’t put my finger on. The book I started with, only because it’s what our little library had was Dyslexia in the Classroom. This helped me define dyslexia. Our DD was textbook case in colors & memory, also that a bright student is actually easier to identify as they are bright & when they stumble with reading it’s obvious there is something not right, lastly it is very inspirational.


My next step for her was the I See Sam books from the 70’s (recommended from here). We started with the first series, they run through 3rd grade. I’m sure someone can help with where you’d begin, if you choose.


Lastly I Love Reading Reflex!! also recommended here :001_smile: Very simple (always sit across from DD) straightforward techniques.

I wish I had more time to write, I’d be happy to answer any questions later.


Blessings on your journey ~ Christine

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Go and have a look at the website 'The Phonics Page' it is done by a lady on the board here Elizabeth. It has free phonics lessons which can be used for remediation along with a bunch of links, tests and loads of information all for free which will help you determine where his gaps lie and how to fix them. HTH.

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Thanks so much for the suggestions, I will look those up. It is notable because it is such a contrast to his math skills and his auditory learning ability - he learned English within a month of coming here at age three and seems to understand everything he hears. He knows where everything is in the house - we all go to him if we've misplaced something - and how everything works, and he can give amazing narrations after history readings and cross apply his knowledge. So to see him struggling with reading is a surprise and something I know we need to address. I'm looking forward to seeing those books and programs, thanks so much!



mom to 6 great kids, ages 6-19, schooling grades 1, 3, 3 and 6








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