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Developing study skills .. for fun ;)

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I read the whole thing and you guys are hilarious! :lol:


I think this family paper is priceless! And yes, there is something to be said about study habits.


I have a younger brother who double majored in Greek and Latin in college. He then went on to get his Master's in the Classics. His grades were straight A's. I had no clue how he did it. How did he knock out 18 units every 12 weeks with straight A's? So I finally asked him. He basically said that you have to be able to sit still long enough to learn (or memorize) the information. He then went on to tell me he quickly got a feel for each professor in each class and what that professor was looking for in that paper and then he wrote his papers accordingly.


I personally had awful study habits when I was a kid. It was all Greek to me.

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That was fun! Thanks! That has also inspired me to finish reading "How to Read a Book." I started a while ago but then I just let it go. Now i need to go back and read it. I also need to learn more about the Bible study ideas you were talking about. Do you have any specific recommendations? Thanks. I have the worst study habits. In elementary school and high school, classes were always so easy for me and I got good grades without trying. As a result I never learned to study and I suffered in college. Thanks for sharing!

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