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Processing issues with dd-10, 5th grade

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I need help and don't know where to turn. So, of course, I thought of you all. But, not sure if I should ask here or on Special Needs Board.


Background: dd, 10, is has always had what I refer to as a processing problem. It became clear to me when she was 3. Her preschool teachers and others have always told me "it was nothing," "I expect too much from her" and such. But my gut said there was a problem.


This year I allowed her to attend 5th grade at local ps. (for too many reasons to go into in this post) It is has a reputation of being a great ps. She is loving school. She quickly found her niche and has many friends.


From the start, dh and I can see her processing issues becoming a problem. We met with the teacher and expressed our concerns. She politely listened and dismissed us as no-nothing crazy homeschooling parents. We convened another meeting w/ teacher, counselor and principal. Again, we are no-nothing crazy hs parents. By the way, Dd's grades are great (b/c work is quite easy compared to our hs work)


As semester progresses, work is still fairly easy but more analysis is introduced and dd is not keeping up as well. At this time, acuity tests were given to predict which students will need additional help passing state tests. Dd did quite poorly on acuity tests. Teacher called mtg w/ counselor, school psychologist and us. Of course, the obvious answer is b/c she was hsed. Dh and I ask where exactly she had done poorly. Upon review, matching, fill-in-the blank are 100% correct. She missed all of the questions requiring analysis. And, no, none of the staff had previously looked at her scores in that manner.


Dh and I are not surprised with these results. In very simple terms, dd can understand that A=B, B=C, she will never come up with A=C on her own. (I don't mean this in a math way, just as a way to relay info)

She cannot order and sequence in any type of advanced manner. She just cannot process or reprocess info. And yes, I have worked with her in many different ways, her brain just doesn't work this way.


School is sure all of her problems are b/c of hs and thus our fault. They are dragging their feet on any type of testing for her.


I know something is wrong but I don't where to look or what type of tests to suggest. Does her problem sound like anything you have ever heard of? I know she does somewhat better with written information as opposed to verbal info but not much better. This doesn't just apply to school. Her hockey coaches realized it early on, w/out any input from dh or me. Dd never does the drill first, must watch another and they always draw out the play for her, never just tell her.


I truly don't believe it is a hs issue. I noticed it early on. Have hsed her siblings and it is not an issue with either of them. Oldest ds also went to ps this year, 7th grade. He is a straight A student (not bragging, standards are very, very low, in my opinon, but out of 879 students, only 16 had straight As) His work includes analysis and it is not an issue at all. He tells anyone who will listen that if he knew how easy ps was, he would have begged to go years ago.


If you have read my very long post, does not being able to process/analyze/sequence and order info sound like anything you have ever experienced or seen reference to? (by sequence and order, I don't mean the simple order and sequence that preschoolers do but more how your brain receives and works with info) I am probably not using the correct terminology.


Thank you.

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I would definitely post this on the Special Needs Board too.


I can't answer your questions, but just wanted to say that our concerns about 2 of our kids were completely blown off by the school. Ultimately, the kids were tested and we were correct on both counts. Listen to your instincts. I'd recommend having her tested. Around here, developmental pediatricians do the testing. It may be different elsewhere though.

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I know exactly what you are talking about! Processing speed is an issue for my son, but that was brought on by chemo so we knew it was coming. Anyhow, we took him to a neuropsychologist for testing which proved our suspicions. We have chosen to help him on our own through Little Giant Steps.


The school has to test her and make accommodations for her. After you get testing done demand a meeting to set up an IEP. They don't have to help her resolve the issues (you will need to find private help for that, your pedi can give you referrals), but they do have to help her succeed in school and basically work around her issues. It is a giant PITA for them, and that is why they are dragging their feet, but you have to be forceful. If the principal won't help go above her head until you find someone that will help you.

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