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My Pals Are Here science

prairie rose

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I've spent the morning reading old posts about MPH and I have several questions:


1. How much hands on science is there? Actual experiments? We like lots of hands on science and experiments here. Would we need to add these?


2. I'm thinking of having my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders go through these together. Good idea? Bad idea? Why or why not? Our focus is language arts this year, getting those skills up to par, so I just want science covered and hopefully as a group to save time since we are spending extra time on LA.


3. If we do MPH as a group, what can I order just one of and what does everyone need their own copies of?


If I add something for experiments, I'm thinking TOPS books or Science in A Nutshell kits. Anyone done these and have suggestions?


Thanks in advance

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I've spent the morning reading old posts about MPH and I have several questions:


1. How much hands on science is there? Actual experiments? We like lots of hands on science and experiments here. Would we need to add these?


2. I'm thinking of having my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders go through these together. Good idea? Bad idea? Why or why not? Our focus is language arts this year, getting those skills up to par, so I just want science covered and hopefully as a group to save time since we are spending extra time on LA.


3. If we do MPH as a group, what can I order just one of and what does everyone need their own copies of?


If I add something for experiments, I'm thinking TOPS books or Science in A Nutshell kits. Anyone done these and have suggestions?


Thanks in advance


2. Do you mean you want to use MPH 3/4 for all of them ? I guess you can do that. But I won't use MPH 5/6 with a 3rd grader, knowing how challenging MPH 3/4 already. MPH 3/4 is challenging, so it's not too babyish for a 5th grader. I imagine the 5th grader can move more quickly through MPH 3/4.


3. You need at least 1 copy of textbook. Then each child can have their own activity book, homewoork, HOTS and test book.


4. Try to do MPH for a few weeks, then figure out whether you can fit something else with it. My guess is yes you can fit something.

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