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HOD Beyond and SOTW?


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Im making a switch for our first grade studies to HOD's Beyond. I am really excited about it! The reasoning behind the switch was to integrate more bible into more subject and enrich the school day with more meaningful activites, discussions, read alouds, etc. I think HOD will do this for us. I would like to keep up with our SOTW reading though (to stay on the 4 year cycle) and would like to know if this is possible. My plan is to just do the readings when I can along with the mapping and coloring page. So, I would have two streams of history going at the same time World History (SOTW) and American History (HOD). Am I crazy or will this work?

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Yes, your crazy:D. Of course it can work and if you did this, you could put a big timeline on your wall so when you went back to ancient history discussions you could show your daughter where you are at. All that being said, I asked my son yesterday and he doesn't remember that we studied ancients in first grade. So, I think if you just did HOD's programs you would still be able to begin a four year cycle for 5th grade, when your child WILL remember what they are doing. Whatever you do, have fun :)

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I have to agree with Alison. I think it's too much. HoD is so rich without adding more. I asked my dd about first grade the other day (she was in ps) and she doesn't remember much about what she studied at all. They did a state history unit that she has no recollection of at all.


And actually if you do Beyond for 1st, and continue on with HoD, you will wind up hitting the 4 year cycle in 4th grade. Beyond - 1st, then Bigger - 2nd, and Preparing - 3rd. We are a year behind you and doing Preparing for 4th and I am finding it on the perfect level for my dd. We are enjoying it immensely and are looking forward to starting the 4 year cycle next year in 5th.

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Sure you can do that. I'd probably use HOD during the day for "school time" and then just read SOTW in the evenings, maybe as a bedtime book, if you do that. We've always read alot at bedtime (like an hour or so before lights out). We read SOTW 1, 2, and most of 3 like that. Other than a brief period, I've always done SOTW "on the side." We like the maps, so we've used those but never really stuck to doing the projects. We mostly enjoy SOTW as a read-aloud and not as a full curriculum.


I'd suggest not stressing about it. Since Beyond will be a new curriculum for you, I'd suggest just enjoying that for a few weeks and then seeing if you feel like continuing with the SOTW readings. We'll start Beyond sometime after Christmas. I am really looking forward to the storytimes. I'm teaching two HOD guides, so we are getting plenty of reading in just from HOD, but if I were doing just one, I'd probably go through SOTW again.

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