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not sure if this is in the right form but here it goes

Please help me organize my homeschool :banghead:

I have 3 ring binders and I have every planner page. Household chores lessons to do's , inventory things i need to buy for school the list goes on n on I need help on how to organize it. How to fill it out and put it together in my binder what goes 1st second so on n so on.

Also I need a step by step guide or template on how to write up educational goals lesson plans and all those type of things.

Any ideas are welcome but I need it detailed or I won't get it websites and books so on n so on.

All my kids are sick oldest and pos youngest have the bad flu so I have been off of school since middle of last week and will be through this week. So I am really trying to accomplish this.


P.S I do realize this should of been done loooooooooong ago but it is what it is and better late then never :willy_nilly:

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Not sure if it helps. These are few organization things I have done that have helped. Each child has a pocket chart that they can visually go through the main subjects they do each day. (Math, Spelling, Spanish, etc.)


There is a separate pocket chart (in a different room) that has their "Teamwork" chores that they are to accomplish each day.


In three big binders I have the entire school year planned, with everything I want to accomplish. There is also a sheet for each child, color coded, of their weekly assignments. Some are left blank, and we fill in as we go. (ie. Math is blank and we fill in lessons as we go)


There are a few other things I do, but this is the basic part of it. ( I also have everything in Excel and Access)

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Too much work! We have a binder with all the subjects and when work is completed we hole punch it and put it under that subject tab.


We have a list of subjects with approx. times to be done (otherwise it becomes homework to be done after all lessons are rotated) everyday and follow that list.

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Guest aquiverfull

I can relate. This has been our best year so far, especially in terms of organization. We are using our modified version of the Workbox system and I can't tell you how grateful I am to have found this. It has totally transformed our homeschool. You can google it and find the book by Sue Patrick and many, many blog posts to help you get an idea of what it is.


I may not be of much help but here's what we do. Usually while my dd is doing her work for the day, I plan out the next day's school. This works well for me, since she's really my only student at the moment. I have a printed planner page, and I just fill it out so she'll know what to do. I list the subjects and the work required, listing page numbers to read, problems to do etc. She still does some of the work with me, and I just do that with her as she comes to it. After she's done with school for the day, I take the schedule sheet that I planned out and gather all her books for the next day and place them into the workboxes. That way when she gets up in the morning it's all there, and she can go right to work. Hope that helps you some.

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I have work boxes I love them! I have been reading that your suppose to have a hs goal and a plan for the yr and something like an IEP written up for each of yr kids. I am still trying to get the hang of writting a lesson plan. I am trying to figure out how arrange my 3 ring planner binder to be the most helpful. The pocket chart is a great idea to! I have to really get things structured here or nothing gets done. The more structure the better dc lives seem to be.

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