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How do I research drug interactions?

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My 15 year old takes Provigil for a sleep disorder. She is now starting to get a cold-no fever, but runny nose and head congestion. I'd like to give her a Sudafed, but I'm concerned about the possibility of a bad drug interaction.


I left a message for her neurologist, but who knows when they will get back in touch with me.


I feel particularly bad for her because she has not been sick in over 5 years, but has run herself ragged trying to do all of her work plus mine since I've lost all of my stamina with this pregnancy.


I know I asked her doctor about drug interactions at her last appointment, and he said there were none to worry about, but it's not like you can undo it once you take two drugs together. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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That's a website if you wanted to use it, but I'd probably be on the safe side and just call the pharmacist. It's their job to watch for drug interactions, so they'd know best. You can call anyplace that has a pharmacy, they often have separate numbers on the website for the pharmacy (I know target does anyway)

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