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Anyone tried Christian Kids Explore...Science program?


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We are using Earth & Space this year. There is a yahoo group that is pretty active; you can find it's name on Bright Ideas webpage. Which particular curriculum piece are you asking about? That would help people to respond.


Earth & Space is nice, not too overwhelming. We shot off volcanoes, are growing some crystals, made some candy bars that resembled the layers of dirt, made a model of the earth's layers with clay. My 10-year-old is enjoying it.


I purchased a pdf from the company to print off the reproducible pages. That makes it easy for me so I don't have to go to the copy center.


Hope this helps,



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I love the CKE series. We have done Biology and I really enjoyed it...my dc did, too, but wouldn't admit it ;) I have Earth and Space to use once I get my schedule all figured out. We just did basics the first 2 months of school with some fun art projects and a few science things added in. My ds8 needed a slow immersion. Anyhoo...I'm ready to add in some American History and hopefull...the Earth and Space. I love how it's laid out, bite sized lessons, scriptures to memorize, fun activities and lots of ways to beef it up for older kids or those who want more. I love all BIP material, actually. HTH

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We purchased CKE Chemistry. I didn't like it - didn't feel it gave clear, detailed information to go along with the experiments, just my opinion. We've enjoyed Janice Van Cleave books and Noeo curriculum. I guess it's just what sets off the lightbulb in your kids. We also began a science co-op in our home with just a few families which has helped inspire interest. Have fun.

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I ordered the one for Biology based on rave reviews I heard from a blogger using it for the grammar stage. I looked at it but never used it. I ended up launching out on my own using our Childcraft books and the Rookie Science Series by Allan Fowler (the latter recommended in the previous edition of WTM). I was trying to use it for my 1st grader, and it was more about concepts than just general information about the various animals and such. But for the Logic years it might work well.

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I will be using CKE Earth and Space beginning next week with my 4th grader and my son, age 12, who has autism. We have been implementing our courses slowly over the past couple of months, and my two daughters were involved in a play, which just ended, so now I am ready to add to our existing schedule.


I have read through the book and I think it is very good . . . a gentle exposure with nice projects. I, too, purchased the download in order to easily print out the needed pages for the notebook.


I plan to use additional books in this series. My older dd (14) is using Apologia Physical Science this year, so I felt CKE Earth and Space "lined up" with that to some degree. I plan to try to line up science programs for both my girls, so next year my younger will do the CKE Biology book when my older does Apologia Biology. I just think it is fun if there is some overlap in what the girls are studying, but each is on her own level.


Adrianne in IL

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I used this series (Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space and Physics) to bridge the gap between using the elementary Apologia books (Astronomy, Botony and Zoology) and the junior high Apologia General Science. My boys have enjoyed both the elementary Apologia books and the Christian Kids Explore series.


I have also added in other living science books and a lot of extra science experiments. But, they seem to have a good foundation in science. :001_smile:

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