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I'm currently using Positive Action 4 Christ--anyone use their Sunday school?

Chris in VA

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I've been impressed with PAC for my fourth grader.

We are Episcopalian (tho more conservative than "average"), and our church uses Living The Good News, which isn't implemented very well, and I just overall don't like. Has anyone used PAC's youth group or other study curricula with 5th grade and up? (We use Godly Play at our church for preK-4th and switch in 5th grade.)

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Hi - I used their Route 66 for our 5th-6th graders for several years. We'd divide it into a two-year survey of the Bible.


It was a little seat-y for the particular group I was teaching. I had to trim a bunch of the look-up work since some of the kids just had no skill or experience in that area, and became easily bored and frustrated when they couldn't keep up. We kept in enough so that they worked on the skill, but not so much that it discouraged them. I also had to add in some games just to keep them from keeling over from boredom. If the group would have been willing to do homework, I think the study would have gone a lot better, but I just can't get that out of our SS kids (or parents :glare:).


I di/do really like their material. An older class (7th-8th graders) used the Proverbs study (was it called "Wise Up", or something like that?) I'm not sure how it went for them, though.

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