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What did you think of the Lost Symbol?

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This was my first Dan Brown book. I loved it for the first 400 pages. Yes, it was formulaic writing - little explanations about something, a revelation, a big action scene - over and over and over! It was still fun though. Then, the last 50 pages. Wowsa! A very lengthy sermon about the author's "God is within you" philosophy. Never seen anything like that in a fiction book. Really turned me off, and I won't read him again. I did like the genre though, and I would like to read similar books. Any suggestions?


Here is a good article with the same impressions I had, written much more thoughtfully!


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Well, I read the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons and I liked them but I thought the Lost Symbol was terrible. Since you haven't read the other two you wouldn't have the same experience I had which was....I knew EXACTLY what was going to happen with in the first chapter or so. I knew who was "the bad guy" and a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. I was pretty unimpressed.

Edited by Heather in NC
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Well, I read the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons and I liked them but I thought the Lost Symbol was terrible. Since you haven't read the other two you wouldn't have the same experience I had which was....I knew EXACTKY what was going to happen with in the first chapter or so. I knew who was "the bad guy" and a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. I was pretty unimpressed.


Kinda. Yeah. I'm on about pg 200 and I have been reading it since it came out or at least trying to. Fairly disappointed.


Loved the DaVinci Code, though. I think the thing with Brown is that there aren't many other books like his, that mixes the historical, factual, fiction in quite the way that he does, so I don't have any other suggestions for you, other than to give Angels and Demons and the DaVinci Code a try.

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I've read that DaVinci and Angels and Demons were better, but I still have no desire to read DaVinci!


I did some reading about similar book recs over the weekend and found this title that I ordered from the library. I hope it is a pageturner, that was the fun part about reading The Lost Symbol!


Gold of the Kings by Davis Bunn



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