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Morrocan Stew and homemade Naan bread. . . okay I know it's a mix of cultures.

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But it sure is yummy. Here's the link the recipe I used: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Caras-Moroccan-Stew/Detail.aspx


It's a very flavourful vegetarian meal.


This is my first attempt at homemade naan. It tastes delicious I just need to get the shaping of the dough down pat.


I am trying to incorporate more vegetarian meals into our diet and this week, because we spent all our money on braces, I managed three meals with no complaints. Bean quesadillas, potato skins and spinach salad and today this stew.

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Thank you. This looks delicious! Dd is (mostly) a vegetarian, and I'm always looking for new recipes.


Do you also have the link for naan? We love naan, but have never had it homemade.


cooking light naan bread


It was very yummy. I mixed up some yogurt, cilantro and garlic and a bit of salt to make a dip for the naan. Hmmm. (And afterwards I had a 1/2 slice of the bread and honey, with my tea.)


I haven't tried other recipes but this one worked well.

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