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What is good for learning Greek?


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My oldest currently attends a partial Greek immersion charter school. I am planning to bring him home, but would like him to continue learning Greek. Dh and I don't speak Greek, and we would love to learn too.


What is out there (and good) that might work for us?



Edited by chrissymama
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How interesting! A Greek charter school!


My middle dd is fascinated by Greek, and this year she started learning Greek with Elementary Greek from Open Texture Press. We really like this program. It's broken down into bite-size lessons and laid out well to do a lesson a day so each chapter covers a week. The package is a teacher's book, student workbook, and audio CD. I have nothing to compare it to as we've never used anything else, but we intend to continue with it. Three levels are available.


When dd is on a high school level, she wants to take Greek with Lukeion.org. They use Athenaze.


So, these are my beginner-Greek-mom suggestions. :)

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How interesting! A Greek charter school!


My middle dd is fascinated by Greek, and this year she started learning Greek with Elementary Greek from Open Texture Press. We really like this program. It's broken down into bite-size lessons and laid out well to do a lesson a day so each chapter covers a week. The package is a teacher's book, student workbook, and audio CD. I have nothing to compare it to as we've never used anything else, but we intend to continue with it. Three levels are available.


When dd is on a high school level, she wants to take Greek with Lukeion.org. They use Athenaze.


So, these are my beginner-Greek-mom suggestions. :)


thank you, i will look into those!


Could you find out what the school is already using? Or at least ask them for some suggestions? I think the school would be an excellent resource.


hmmm, that is an idea. the school brings teachers over from greece and they teach by immersion though, so i'm not sure that anything they use would work for us, since i don't speak greek. i will ask though. they might have some ideas for me too, even if what they use won't work. thanks!

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Elementary Greek and Athenaze both teach ancient Greek dialects. I assume that in an immersion program the child was learning modern Greek.


I would check into Rosetta Stone and various Greek-for-travelers type programs (Berlitz, Teach Yourself, etc) for modern Greek...

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Elementary Greek and Athenaze both teach ancient Greek dialects. I assume that in an immersion program the child was learning modern Greek.


I would check into Rosetta Stone and various Greek-for-travelers type programs (Berlitz, Teach Yourself, etc) for modern Greek...


thank you for pointing this out! i think we are going to go with rosetta stone.

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