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Website which links famous art inspired by Literature?


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Does anyone have a link(s) that would connect famous art pieces (sculpture, paintings, etc.) with famous classic literture and poetry?


For ex. Waterhouse did a famous painting for La Belle Dames Sans Meci by Keats but I would love to know where to find a site that has this connected already. I always seem to find a painting or sculpture long after we have read something. I would love to have this available while we are studying/reading the book or poem. Dds love art so this would be very interesting to them.


We are reading Keats, Tennyson, Longfellow and some Kipling this year for poetry. We are reading King Arthur and studying the middle ages so any paintings, etc which are based on any of these themes would be great.


Anyone know of any links for this...?:001_smile:

Edited by Kfamily
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