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CW Aesop A?


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I am looking ahead a bit and my son is 10 in 5th grade and writing has really fallen by the wayside. We're currently using WWE2 which he enjoys but he really needs something to learn about outlining and writing from that. Would CW Aesop be a good choice?


Would you wait until he's done with WWE2. We are only on Week 5 but his narrations and dictation are getting better very quickly.


If you would wait until WWE2 was finished would you put in in Aesop A or B?


We're good on our spelling and grammar programs so I'm mostly looking at using CW for the writing part.


I appreciate any input.

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I used WWE2 last year with B & T (although we didn't quite finish), and started on Writing Tales 2 this year. So far, both boys are doing well with the program, and have had no trouble with the transition. (The current plan is to move from WT2 to CW Homer A next year.)


I started out with CW Aesop A last year, and while we liked it OK, I like WT better. I'm also glad that we did some work in WWE, because the boys really solidified their narration/summarizing abilities.



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We are currently using WWE with CW. I do WWE on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the other days I do CW. My children have also improved tremendously by using WWE. I just started CW but I love this WWE/CW mix. CW really makes us slow down and look at the details of a story. For the writing project we have to make an outline of the story and then rewrite the story in our own words. I haven't tried any other writing programs so I don't know how CW compares to others. It is really amazing how children improve their writing skills by doing consistent narration, copywork and dictation! I think WWE/CW is a good combination (for us anyways:)).


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