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Does this exist for English or History?

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I feel like I've looked at every curriculum there is, and my brain is completely fried.


Here is what I want:


US History and American Lit [can be separate or combined, but if combined, time spent must be equal to taking two high school level classes]

daily or weekly lessons

questions to both discuss and answer on paper


tons of writing, preferably daily writing; high school level project ideas

high reading level


... I like the look of Sonlight's guides, but the US hist. is too simple. I have an 11th grader.


I can't see sample pages for Hewitt or Lightning Lit. Or maybe I have and I've forgotten? It's all a blur now.

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I have done this but I put together my own thing based heavily on Lightning Lit and Teaching Co lectures. For our American Lit: Lightning Lit (with a couple of other things added in. I found study guides online); American Identity lecture series (use questions in outline guide to stimulate discussion and short essay questions); some kind of text to read (I had several students in the class - they used whatever they had at home mostly Story of US by Hakim and a Catholic high school history textbook.)

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US History and American Lit [can be separate or combined, but if combined, time spent must be equal to taking two high school level classes]

daily or weekly lessons

questions to both discuss and answer on paper


tons of writing, preferably daily writing; high school level project ideas

high reading level


Is this for next year? MFW should have its 11th grade year out this spring. It goes through several pilot stages before actually being publicized on their website: http://www.mfwbooks.com/highschool.html


If it's for this year, you could try calling them about joining the pilot stage that's currently under way.


I have only looked carefully at the 9th grade year, but that includes Notgrass, Smarr, Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures, Welch mapping activities, and more well-tested materials. I would assume that 11th grade will use different materials but be similarly well-rounded.


Not sure if you are secular, but you did mention Sonlight. MFW is a Christian program.

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My dd did Sonlight as an 11th grader - and then she took the AP US History exam and scored a 5. She did SL 100 + the Lit from 400. I got the tests from Hewitt and made her do those as well.


My ds is now 11th grade - and I couldn't do the same thing with him as he did SL 100 same time as dd (when he was 8th grade), so I am using the SL 400 lit and I made up my own course from


* Teaching Compnay US History DVDs (he has to do at least one of the recommended essays per every 3 lectures - he does 3 lectures a week)

* Lies my Teacher Told Me

*Penguin US History

* Critical Thinking in US HIst books (just the exercises related to US History - some are general)


In addition I have added in number of other DVDs. So far we have watched the A&E John Adams and another one on War of 1812 (from Netflix). Both were excellent. And we watch the Presidents (history Channel) Dvds as he does each president. It is working really well and he is enjoying it. Hopefully it is also preparing him well for the AP exam!



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