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Hey Andrew vs. Song School Greek


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Has anyone looked at/used both of these?


I lean toward Song School Greek because it seems like a natural progression from Greek Code Cracker, and because the music and general "fun" factor seem likely to keep younger kids interested. I figured we'd move from there to Hey Andrew, Greek for Children, or Greek Prep if it's out by then. I looked at it this morning, though, and the price differential is significant! If I order two workbooks and the flashcard game from CAP, the total pre-shipping is $76.85. If I get Level 2 of Hey, Andrew, with workbooks, answer key, tests and quizzes, flashcards and CD, it comes to 59.50 WITH SHIPPING! SSG had better be doggone incredible, yk?


Anyway, my question is, do folks prefer one to the other? Why? Also, I'm thinking I'd need Level 2 of Hey Andrew if my kids have only got Greek Code Cracker under their belts. Does the hive concur?



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I could be wrong, but I thought that the Code Cracker book should follow Song School Greek rather than come before it. We used the Code Cracker first because Song School Greek wasn't ready. Song School Greek still wasn't ready when my oldest son was ready to move on, so I chose Hey Andrew Level 2. I have since looked at Song School Greek thinking I may get it for my youngest son. I'm not sure if I will or not. I do think it looks fun but to be honest, and I know this is awful, but I don't have alot of time for fun right now! I think it would be more time-consuming than what we are doing now and I'm happy with the progress we are currently making.


Hey Andrew is very no frills, just straight-forward, short lessons. My son loves it and is anxiously awaiting getting to the end of Level 2 so he can begin to read more words. For my youngest son, we are still working on the alphabet. I plan to start him in Hey Andrew Level 2 when he completes the Explode the Code series.


If you want alot of fun, pick Song School Greek! I just needed simple and Hey Andrew is meeting our needs for now.

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Code cracker does a LOT of alphabet work. The translations are mostly to modern english words, and are really just meant to develop an awareness of the phonetic sounds the greek letters make. From what I can see, SSG teaches a lot of common words and phrases, and Code Cracker doesn't really touch those. However, it looks pretty consistent with Hey Andrew 2.

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I haven't tried the Greek, but with Latin hands down there is no question I would go with CAP. I am considering Greek programs right now, and I can't say I would do Hey Andrew at all. I do have one of their books - I was not impressed. But I haven't looked at SS Greek at all.

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I haven't seen Song School Greek, but I've owned the other two. I think SSG is geared for younger children and would be used before Greek Code Cracker. It does sound like fun!


Our family really enjoyed using Hey Andrew Level 2. (We skipped Level 1 entirely.) It really is more like handwriting, though. You learn by forming the Greek letters over and over. Nothing exciting about it except that it was Greek;o), but the kids (then 6 and 9) loved it! We made our own fun making up mnemonics (theta looks sort of like a bath tub and the words have similar souonds, etc.)


The Code Cracker would accomplish much the same thing, but in a much more "fun" way. You can buy the book for under $20, I think.


BTW, IMHO, with HA you don't really need the tests & quizzes or answer key. If you read music you could get the sheet music rather than the cd, too.


How old are your kids?

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My two homeschooled-aged children are 8 and 6.


We are doing Greek Code Cracker right now. It is mostly alphabet work.


Song School Greek and Hey Andrew 2 appear to be on about the same level. Having worked in Greek Code Cracker and previewed SSG, I would *not* recommend using SSG before Code Cracker.


It's always nice to know what components might be unnecessary, though!


Steph, what was it about HA you disliked?

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We enjoyed Hey Andrew. Dd did it very independently and really liked it. She asked for more! That is always a good sign. I am under the impression that Song School is for younger dc. I can recommend Hey Andrew for 4th grader because that is what we did and it was successful.

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