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WTM style learning question...


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Anyone used the model outlined for writing in WWE/WTM and had success in the older grades yet??


I am really leaning toward the wwe approach, narration, dictation,copywork, etc...


I would love to hear a success story or two before I just jump in though. I have a 3rd grade child who does NOT like the process method of learning to write, and is getting more and more frustrated by trying to cram his brain into this model.


He is almost 9, and we had issues with spelling, but when we started using sequential spelling.... it really helped. He hears the word, writes the word, and reads the word with different spellings, and keeps learning the word through the week with plurals, prefixes, etc.


It seems to me that the wwe type approach to writing is along the same line, familiarity with lots of good writing comes before the structure "rules" portion...


I was thinking of starting with year one, based on the WWE book. Any thoughts?

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I started my 2nd grader on SOTW, FLL1, and we are working through WWE1 doing just the first week out of each section (if that makes sense to you.) He should be ready for year two in January. I've been very pleased with his progress. He was a reluctant writer to say the least when we started, whining and complaining incessantly and now will do additional copywork on his own and his narrations are so good they surprise me at times! He loves the Memory work in FLL as well! He told me today that Language was his favorite subject! Woo Hoo! Thank you SWB!


So, yes it works! ;)

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