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Those who use CLE LA 2, ?? for you!


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I was just wondering if you feel that you need to supplement anything with this all in one program, or is this all you need to get enough for the year?

I'm not talking about reading, I do Abeka but the other stuff for LA.

I am really liking having less books to work with. I only wish the spelling was little more challenging. An easy fix tho.


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I don't think you need to supplement CLE 2 as long as you have a natural speller. My daughter is using it right now, and since she is a natural speller, I don't supplement that part of the program. She gets 100% on her spelling test every week.


She had started out with A Reason for Handwriting and likes the color and graphics on the pages, so I have continued with that for her and we just skip the penmanship in CLE. I do wonder though if there is enough penmanship practice in the lightunits for people who do use that part of the program. Hopefully someone else can answer that.



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Thanks for the responces! I too am supplementing the cursive writing with Abeka because my Dd wanted to learn now. I noticed that CLE didn't start till later in the year and it was really slow. She just picked up on it so quickly and has been thriving in it.

I do alot of journal and creative writing with her, so I know she is getting enough penmanship there. Her handwriting has really improved this year. Plus, if she does anything sloppy, she has to redo it. She's learning really quick, cuz she is correcting it right away without me having to tell her.

Thanks, glad to hear otherwise it is a good program.

You start to second guess your decisions sometimes.


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Why do you think your children hate BJU spelling?

Do you like it? Do they do the words like CLE does or do they just have random words each week?

I like when you focus on a certain blend or phonic sound or suffixes each week. I think it makes it easier to take in and really learn it so they can it apply it to words they spell in there everyday writing.


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Well...the BJU Spelling is similar to what we did for spelling when I was in school. Every week, there's a new list of spelling words. You complete the lesson in the workbook using the spelling words (fill in the blank, puzzles, etc). On Friday, I give them a spelling test on the words for the week.


The words are very similar and kinda follow a pattern... I like it. However, when the spelling books come out, they both start groaning. They just don't like it and I have no idea why.


I have a Perfect Paula and a Wiggly Willy and the Wiggly Willy obviously would not like a workbook approach to anything, but I would think the Paula would be OK with it. :glare:


Maybe a spelling workbook would be kinda dry to a 6/7 year-old...


But, they have to learn to spell correctly somehow and the BJU Spellers are cheap (well, sorta cheap). :001_huh:

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BJU spelling looks exactly what I was looking for. I looked at it at the BJU website and it looks great. I like that is works on word families, I think that is so much better than random words each week.

I like the journaling and the extra harder words they get each week from the back.

My Dd is used to that kind of spelling from 3 years of Abeka but I just don't like Abeka spelling after 2nd grade. Too hard too fast!

I think I will get the BJU spelling 3 and add it to our CLE LA.

Thanks for sharing that, I would have never thought to even look at BJU for spelling.

I'm excited cuz then I think I got everything covered now and set for our year of schooling.

Phew, it feels good! :)

Oh, forgot to ask, Should I get the TM as well? I'm assuming it's a must to make it a better spelling program.


Edited by lovinmykids
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