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Am I crazy?


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Or does anyone else have each of their kids in a different math program? I'm seriously thinking this is probably a good idea.


DS- I've switched him too much. I'm thinking he should finish out MUS Delta before switching to anything else so that he has a good solid handle on division. (which he has understood in concept for years, but hasn't had much practice on.) He's also excited to do division. Singapore IP & CWP are also very good for him. He doesn't always like them, but math is easy for him and he needs the challenge. Plus, I think they're fun :) So my plan is to finish Delta, continue with IP & CWP throughout, start LOF fractions after delta and go from there.


DD7- I started MUS for her. She's my wiggly, hands-on girl. But I really don't like MUS's approach at times and it seems to be a hindrance to her rather than a help- sometimes. (She hates solving for the unknown. Does it well now, but it took months. And I don't think the way he does it makes sense sometimes in the word problems. She doesn't want to shwoop ones to do 9s or 8s, she just wants to count. And some connections she should have made by now, she hasn't because the style is wrong. If I leave her to the wb, she's often fine, but if she tries it the MUS way she gets hung up.) I've been thinking she'd probably do better with something more incrimental and more tradition. Actually, I'm thinking of going back to R&S with her (which DS & I HATED. BORING! But I *think* it'd be perfect for her). I did just sell my last book a few weeks ago, which means I'd have to buy it all again if I go this route. :banghead:


DD5- Is doing well with BJU. I like BJU. I used it at the start with DS and should've stuck with it except that I was tired of waiting for the new books to come out and didn't want to try the old ones.


Is this insane? The thought of using a different program for each seems crazy to me! Part of what's nice about teaching the youngers is that I've gone through it before with DS so I know how to teach it. But math is important to get right and they all think about it differently!

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I don't think you're crazy. :) It makes sense to me to use different programs to suit the needs of your dc.


I switched B around too much as well. (Saxon-Horizons-Miquon-MUS, all by 1st or 2nd grade! :tongue_smilie:) I thought that when I found MUS that I had found it. Well, T likes some variety (whereas B really likes to feel like he has mastered something) and found MUS boring. I hated to see him lose his love of numbers, so switched him over to RightStart, which suited him well. I wasn't so fond of RS partway into level C, however, and have since struggled to find something that works well for him. (Borrowed Singapore from a friend, but he really disliked it.)


Currently both boys are using TT (B got stuck on long division in Delta, and even several months later seems to have a mental block about it), so they are using the same thing. I won't be surprised, though, if their paths diverge again for algebra. And now that I'm schooling D, I think she'll probably end up doing something different from her brothers, as she has a strong preference for colorful workbooks.


I'm glad that hsing allows me to tailor each dc's program. :D

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Thank you. I freak out about math way too much. I did well in math, but there are things that I struggled with at times and it's really important they get a solid foundation. But I think I'm done freaking out -for now :) Thinking about it a lot last night and I need to stop hunting for the perfect curriculum. I'm probably not going to find it (right? :D ) because it probably doesn't exist! But I am capable of teaching these kids math! I've come up with some ideas on how to help them each understand what they're struggling with right now, and......I'm not going to spend any more money on curriculum (mostly). There are a few things I want to impliment my ideas, but no overhaul needed. Math is fun! I just need to start remembering that instead of worrying that I'm missing something important.

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