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Crediting activities as classes and listing them as activities, too.

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in the specific example she is using.


In public school, band is on the transcript as a credit, but the kids also count it as an extra-curricular. WHY? Because they spend hours and hours (beyond what is necessary for the credit) in this activity.


I counted some of oldest ds's Boy Scout badgework activities (hiking, backpacking) toward PE hours, but I also listed it as an extra-curricular, because it consumed a LARGE amount of his free time (especially his Eagle project!) ETA: Boy Scouts is much, much more than a PE credit--if your student has been heavily involved/in leadership positions, you understand, lol.


Middle ds is involved on a volleyball team, and I count some of the conditioning and practice time toward his PE credit, but he spends more time than the credit on the sport, especially if you include tournaments.


I would not count a 120 to 180 hour class that is listed on the transcript as a credit as an extra-curricular unless there was something else involved.

Edited by periwinkle
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