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Classical Conversations For A VP Scholars Student?

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Ds15 is enrolled in Veritas online Scholars and takes 7 classes. To comply with TN state laws we are enrolled in an umbrella school. The director of the program keeps trying to get me to enroll him in CC, even though I keep reiterating that all of his classes are taught by experienced teachers and we do little more than help him with homework.


Would CC be of any benefit to him? I don't really understand how it works other than it meets once a week for 15 weeks per semester. He already has plenty of reading and writing assignments with Omnibus and composition, and has math, science, logic, and rhetoric as well. I really don't see where he could be helped with additional classes.


Am I wrong here?

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will allow a student to enroll in only the classes they want instead to committing to the entire program if the class isn't full. That might be a good compromise--


Beginning in 7th grade, the CC program is pretty much a full-time commitment. I don't think it is possible to do the full load of CC at that age and expect to keep up with another curriculum as well.


My first recommendation would be to meet the director of the program and sit in on a class. I think you'd be able to tell pretty quickly if its something you want to get involved in. I think its a great program but it requires a pretty big time commitment if you do the full schedule.


Their website is down right now so I can't get you a direct link, but the

'Challenge' schedule should be easy to find-take a look and see if any of the classes look like they'd complement your current program.


Hope this helps!

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You are right!!


At the secondary level, NO! You don't want to do that. That's way too much work for a student. For grammar stage, you can do it. We have done both CC and VP Scholar in grammar stage. But for secondary with VP and Challenge - No way!

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What you are already doing is just like the CC Challenge program. There is no need to add CC. Seven classes is a full enough schedule (CC is only six classes.)


Is the unbrella-school director getting a kick-back from CC or something? :D


I think because she doesn't really understand the VP Scholars program, (i.e.,she's never heard of it), and probably doesn't have a lot of confidence in online programs anyway (as a lot of people don't simply because they are not familiar with them), and the fact that they put more pressure on you when you have a high-schooler at home, and the fact that she is probably nervous about how he will do in testing and is fearful the state will for some reason come after their umbrella program (she is the nervous type), probably all contribute to her perhaps being a little too nervous and worried. :glare:

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I think because she doesn't really understand the VP Scholars program, (i.e.,she's never heard of it), and probably doesn't have a lot of confidence in online programs anyway (as a lot of people don't simply because they are not familiar with them), and the fact that they put more pressure on you when you have a high-schooler at home, and the fact that she is probably nervous about how he will do in testing and is fearful the state will for some reason come after their umbrella program (she is the nervous type), probably all contribute to her perhaps being a little too nervous and worried. :glare:


I'd give her a copy of the VP catalog or send her to their website. That should cure her. :D

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