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All about spelling vs A Reason for Spelling

Earth Angel_79

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I really like the fun graphics and scripture base of A Reason for Spelling, but I'm not sure (based on the samples) if they emphasize the spelling rules. Plus, I never know if workbooks are going to go over well here. I try to have handwriting once a day and workbooks seem like they are the straw that breaks the camels back (whining starts in big time).

Of course I know there are many fans of AAS. Can anyone give me a pro/con of each? OR if anyone has a way to do something similar to AAS on the cheap that would probably be even better as I am cash strapped now.


ETA: a couple more programs in the title....:tongue_smilie:

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I'll put in a plug for AAS. I'm using it with ds8 and ds6 (slowly). I LOVE it. Love how it is taught, love the letter tiles (so does ds8 and 6 and dd4 as well), the rules-based progression, etc. I also like that it isn't just a list of words to memorize and then forget. We also use the Phonics Road to Reading and Spelling with meshes well with AAS (although rules are taught in a different order). I plan to continue with AAS and PR. Just another thought. Children learn to spell best by USING the words in their own writing, IMHO. Many children (mine included) can memorize lists for a test but will often misspell those same words in their writing. I am planning to have my ds8 do more writing so he uses the words. We also do dictation (with AAS). Can't speak to RFS...although i did look at it for the Biblical content. We love a Reason for Handwriting :001_smile:

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Thanks to both of you for the reviews. I was actually reading a blog yesterday (I believe it was Angela's in LA) and she talked about the problem of memorizing lists that you also speak of Sue. I also received a magazine that has an article about Studied Dictation. I started researching Simply Spelling and looking at Queen's spelling through Copywork (since I have the little kiddos right now and I don't know how much dictation he could do -- I think a little, but I don't want to pressure). However, I really want those spelling rules concreted in their heads and I was thinking that AAS might make a nice compliment. For example, do the copywork or studied dictation and then say "Let's think of some other words that follow that rule", provide the tiles and try to create words that model the rule.

I am approaching this all from my oldest ds who doesn't seem horrible with spelling on his own, but would love something versatile enough in case I have a struggling speller in the future.

One more question...if I bought just the AAS starter set, could I make the tiles based on the instructions in them. And do I really need the pronunciation cd? What if I can get the teacher's manual for set 1 used...could I make all the remaining things in the starter kit relatively cheaply and easily? Thanks again!

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I am approaching this all from my oldest ds who doesn't seem horrible with spelling on his own, but would love something versatile enough in case I have a struggling speller in the future.



If versatility is important to you, then AAS is your answer. I have one natural (amazing visual memory) speller for whom even Spelling Power seemed a frivolous use of our time AND a child with dyslexia who has really benefitted from the way AAS explains and demonstrates spelling rules. Now my third is beginning to read/spell and I think I'll use AAS with him from the start. If there comes a point when it seems unnecessary, I'll just shelve it and save it for the fourth. I'm really glad I purchased AAS, though. (And I learned about it right here on the WTM forums!!!)

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