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Newbie needs help!!!!!

Guest ItsAll4Him

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Guest ItsAll4Him

Hi! We are going to be starting our homeschool journey this year. (K and 5th grades). I need a lot of advice please...


Here is what I am thinking of using-


5th grade-


Language Arts:

Rod and Staff 4

Drawn Into The Heart Of Reading

Evan Moor Building Spelling Skills

Vocabulary (????) Not sure what to use

Writing (????) I need a good cursive program



BJU 5th



Adaptive Curriculum Science / Apologia Astronomy



Positive Action for Christ (I am thinking of getting the 4th grade book)



Meet The Masters






Language Arts:

McRuffy Press






McRuffy Press



Positive Action for Christ (K)



Meet The Masters


Any reviews of these materials or suggestions? Am I missing anything? What is the best way to schedule my day so I can meet the needs of both my girls?

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You are missing math. Other than that I think it looks good. You could use Heart of Dakota for your kinder. We did that and really enjoyed it. Oh I just noticed that I think you need a writing program. I'm talking about writing not handwriting. You'll have to ask, but I think R&S is mainly grammar.

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R&S has writing included. I LOVE "A Reason for Handwriting" It has them write out a memory verse each week! I think they supply a CD with a story if you want it (this may be their spelling program though). I don't get it. I just get the work book.


I don't personally do history with my kindergardeners. We focus on learning how to read and numbers. If I had to report history to the state (which I don't) I would check out some history type books at the library like Medival Times or something with mummies and pyramids. They have great picture books at the library that just whet the appetite for my kids later on.


As for scheduling, I have a set list that my 4th grader needs to complete at the beginning of school time. She does her spelling work, her handwriting for the day, and her math drill for the first half hour while I do a phonics lesson with one son. After that 1/2 hour I teach her either her math lesson or her grammar, which ever she wants to do first that day and that gives her another round of seatwork to do while I teach another child. We intertwine things so that everyone has something to do at some point. Sometimes they finish early and that gives them a break for a few minutes, before I'm ready to teach the next lesson. I hope this makes sense. 3 out of 4 kids have the flu and I just escaped for a few minutes to myself!

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