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Maybe a stupid question, but what is the point of crossing out Prep Phrases?


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Because when you cross out/get rid of prepositional phrases, what's left are the subject (and any modifiers) and verb (and any modifiers). It's easier to figure out the correct pronouns, subject/verb agreement, all that stuff.


Every level of Easy Grammar (except for the very earliest one) works the same way: cross out prepositional phrases.


You are correcting each page before your dd goes on to the next one, yes? This is rilly, rilly important.

Edited by Ellie
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We are in EG 6 now. This is really our first "formal" year of grammar. I feel like an idiot asking this, but they have my daughter crossing out prepositional phrases in the first few lessons.


Why??? What is the point of this?


{{hiding under a rock now}}


Agreeing with Ellie here. As a child I never could find the Subject and Predicate of a sentence, I would just choose the first noun in the sentence and what ever verb looked right. Much of the time I was wrong, especially if the sentences was longer than what a 1st grade reader would have. :001_huh:


I don't use Easy Grammar I use Analytical Grammar, but it uses the same philosophy. For the first time as an adult I could find the Subject and Predicate every time and with complex sentences (Yea!). If it really bugs you to have her cross them out AG has the child put them in parenthesis. That slight modification might work better for you.




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