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Dumb question of the day re SOTW


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Wondering, if following SOTW (as recommended by TWTM) througout a kiddo's entire education, would you be utilizing the SOTW volumes over again after you cycle through them once?


So, for example, Vol. 1 would be used in grade 1, then again in grade 5, and again in grade 9?


Is that correct, that all the volumes would be covered 3 times each throughout a kiddo's school years?


If so, how is it kept fresh and interesting?


Thank you!:)

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No. One generally uses SOTW for grades 1-4, then covers the same periods of history in later cycles (5-8, 9-12), but using different, more in-depth materials.


That said, I certainly don't think it hurts my 6th grader to overhear SOTW2 again as I'm reading it aloud to his little sister. :)


And some people who didn't get to use SOTW the first time around use it along with some additional supplements with their middle-grade students, and I think that's perfectly reasonable.


But no, I wouldn't use SOTW as the spine three times over for the same child.

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I plan to use them twice and then switch to the High School level books that Susan is currently writing. Right now we are very relaxed about it mostly reading the picture books that go with it, not doing much in the way of the activities in the AG (and might not do 3 and 4). Second time around we will go more in depth with the AG's and third time will be with the new books.

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Okay great, thank you!


So, does TWTM specify particular spines for the grades beyond 4th grade? I don't need to know exactly what those spines are if that is correct, just wondering if they have a set plan ( or at least heavy recommendations) for the grades beyond those that utilize SOTW.


Thank you!

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I plan to use them twice and then switch to the High School level books that Susan is currently writing. Right now we are very relaxed about it mostly reading the picture books that go with it, not doing much in the way of the activities in the AG (and might not do 3 and 4). Second time around we will go more in depth with the AG's and third time will be with the new books.



Oh, interesting.


Is there somewhere that I can learn more about the high school level books that you mentioned?

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Okay great, thank you!


So, does TWTM specify particular spines for the grades beyond 4th grade? I don't need to know exactly what those spines are if that is correct, just wondering if they have a set plan ( or at least heavy recommendations) for the grades beyond those that utilize SOTW.


Thank you!


Yes, there are spines recommended for grades 5-8 and another set recommended for grades 9-12.

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