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BiblioPlan vs. MOH independently


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I have recently looked at a friends copy of MOH 1 and really like it. I also discovered BiblioPlan which schedules MOH. I have heard that BiblioPlan skips around a lot, and does not use the whole book. I am trying to decide whether to go with BiblioPlan, or just use MOH. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts and advice from those who have used one or both of these programs.

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We're in our 4th year of Biblioplan and I love it. We do not use MoH though--we use SOTW as our major spine. Biblioplan was put together before either SOTW or MoH existed, though it was based on the 4 year history cycle as described by SWB. So the authors had their own order of topics which is not exactly the same as SWB's (or MoH I assume). They later referenced the relevant chapters of SOTW and MoH on their schedule pages. I like the Biblioplan order and that was actually a major point in its favor when we were preparing to do Ancients. Biblioplan will stick with one culture for many weeks instead of hopping around like SOTW. You study Creation to Jacob, Egypt, Nation of Israel, Greeks, Romans, and then other ancient cultures if I recall correctly. Another big reason to use Biblioplan is if you want to do a lot of reading from great books--i.e. not just use a spine. That is really the heart of the program. One more big plus for us is that years 3 and 4 have a lot more American history than SOTW alone. We have really been very happy with Biblioplan--history is our favorite subject.

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We're in our first year of Biblioplan and really enjoying it. Because the 2 spines I want to use are in the schedule, it has saved me from having to make my own. I don't mind the little bit of hopping around we do in the spines - it all flows together very well in the end.


Biblioplan also schedules readers for 3 different levels, read-alouds, and other history books (especially for older students). These are excellent books, and they make it a rich program. It's so much easier not having to decide and schedule the other books we're using.


Blessings as you decide,



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