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Filling out an enrollment form

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It just dawned on me that today is the 12th, and the deadline to turn in hs enrollment forms to the attendace office is the 15th. Oops.

So I got them out and was looking at them, they're different this year.


Usually you have boxes where you mark public, private, or hs. Then beside hs it says to attach a description of your curriculum ( I don't remember the exact wording, but something like that) . Each year I print out a letter saying what subjects we will cover, and the materials we'll use for those subjects.


This year they have instead:


Home Instructional Program

Brief Description of Instruction Program:


Then 2 lines for you to describe your program.


Under that it has:


The Department of Education has permission to provide a copy of this certificate to the local school district upon request.

and yes or no boxes to check.



So now, I'm wondering what it matters if I check yes or no. I don't remember having to do that in the past.

And I'm wondering how to fully describe out curriculum to their satisfaction in 2 lines.


Anyone else here have to fill these out? What do you put on yours?

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