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Poor Dh

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Wolf, under close nurse supervision, inserted the needle for me last Friday. I think the needle was angled upwards, so that the tip was just below my skin, and it caused the lidocaine to not be absorbed properly, and now I have a nasty infection. He feels hugely guilty.


Then, he worked late (for him) last night, making it home in time for the kids bed. He walked in, took one look at me, and said, "Where's your meds? Take 'em, and get to bed, NOW." I guess I looked as bad as I felt embarassed.gif


He's out with Princess right now, picking up my med refills, plus the new Rx for the infection. I know he's tired.


Horrible thing is, I'm exhausted, likely in part from the infection. I could soooo easily head to bed right.this.very.now. Its only 5pm here. *sigh* I'm determined to hang on til the kids bedtime, at 730. *Then* I'll crash out.


We're going away this wknd. I hope we don't end up sleeping the entire time embarassed.gifroll.gif

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