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How do you tell a kid to go away?


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The magic cut off moves. It depends on the people management skills of the adult involved, it depends on the people management skills of the adult's child, it depends on the annoying kid's potential, it depends on the annoying kid's willingness to be moulded, it depends who cares enough to put in the work, it depends on how much sleep the adult has had and whether s/he has the energy to deal with anyone at all...


. . .


It's not so hard to see the difference between a kid who is wilfully horrible and a kid who is annoying because they their socialisation training is, er, still in progress...




:iagree: Well said.

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The magic cut off moves. It depends on the people management skills of the adult involved, it depends on the people management skills of the adult's child, it depends on the annoying kid's potential, it depends on the annoying kid's willingness to be moulded, it depends who cares enough to put in the work, it depends on how much sleep the adult has had and whether s/he has the energy to deal with anyone at all...


I was in guides for years and was working in people development kinds of ways since I was about 8. Some kids take a loooooong time to get through to, I can remember working on one annoying kid and it taking oh, five years, to see the smallest of improvements! I've worked with bossy kids who, with a bit of direction, become the most wonderful kids ever. I've also met kids who are snots and interested in staying that way... The mean girl Impish mentioned definitely falls into that category! It's not so hard to see the difference between a kid who is wilfully horrible and a kid who is annoying because they their socialisation training is, er, still in progress...





OP, I was not saying that you must let your kids play with this person. If he really is horrible, just keep saying 'no' politely. I just think that behind the toughest exterior there is still a 9yo without the emotional maturity to accept an, "I don't ever want you to come back here again." That's all.

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