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After two weeks, I am thinking of giving up

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I am currently reading Sue Patrick's Workbox System User's Guide and she *very specifically* speaks to how to use workboxes and alter curriculum for kids with LD's. I know there are lots of websites on workboxes, but she developed the concept initially to address the LD needs of her son. You can get an ebook copy from her website for $20 http://www.workboxsystem.com/. Her book addresses more than just the nuts and bolts of how to use a workbox system and I think it's well worth the price. She addresses *many* of the issues that you speak of with lots of concrete solutions/adaptations.


Also, Homeschool Buyers Co-op has Discovery Education Streaming for about half-price here https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1038. It's really cool because you can very easily search a topic and then stream video on that topic instantly.


Am happy to hear that you're going to hang in there and have made some decisions that you're comfortable with. As you pointed out with the lockers, changing classes, peer issues, etc. middle school is hard enough for kids without LD's to focus and stay out of trouble.


Keep up the Faith!

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On a positive note, I did utilize the math suggestion offered here about giving him the option of completing his problem set doing either evens or odds. He did this today neatly and completely and only missed one problem. He has been averaging between 10-15 incorrect per problem set (30 problems). What does this say, however?


Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.


This could say that he has the attention span to do half the problems, that he was more willing to work when it was less or that he simply understood this lesson better.


I usually only assign half the problems to my eldest, but because she lollygags a great deal (more than average for sure) and doesn't usually need to do all the problems. If she ever struggles with something, I assign the other half the next day, much to her chagrin.


My dds have terrible time management skills; not all dc get this by the same age, even without ADHD. My ds can do much better with this when he chooses to.

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Well, just when I thought the half math would be a good incentive, he bombed with this today. He missed 8 out of 15 problems. Frustrating.


On a positive note, things are going a bit quicker today. I have moved him inside for part of it and keep redirecting him. It is frustrating to have to keep this up and makes for a difficult day. Still, I will do what I need to do until I get more answers.


Thanks all!

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